Monday, April 29, 2013


Here's a look at my time in Australia so far through the filters of Instagram:

One week #monash #melbourne #ThingsMyParentsDo
#StudyAbroad #BringOnTheSun

What a difference #OneMoreWeek until

#PreBlizzard #2days #surreal

Today's the day!! #Australia2013

New best friend #BritishKids #Benjy #Melbourne #StudyAbroad

Australia Day 2 #monash #RezLife #deakin #StudyAbroad

Tanning in February #melbourne #StudyAbroad #86degrees

Turtle! #LoveThisGuy #onsies #ItsAThing #monash

#melbourne #australia #WhiteNight #amazing

Koalas!!! <3 #favorites #healesville #australia #love

The girls take #healesville #ZooTime #lake

#clubbing #melbourne #LateNight #friends

St Kilda #beach #melbourne #australia #summer

Beautiful day at #monash #melbourne #australia #barbecue

#beach #brighton #summer #australia #StudyAbroad

successful cooking attempts in Australia #pasta #alfredo #yum

time for #homework #classes #school

Sunset outside my window #australia #sunset

#Sunset in the Whitsunday Islands #OneFishTwoFish
 #whitsundays #NoFilter

The boys rocking their new aboriginal tees
#OneFishTwoFish #FarewellParty

#ThrowBack bungy jumping #bungy #AJHackett #cairns
#australia #amazing

I miss it so much #whitsundays #australia #beautiful #amazing
#unreal #TakeMeBack #NoFilter

Learning to surf #torquay #surfing #GreatOceanRoad #australia

Went to see the 12 apostles #GreatOceanRoad #australia

Sydney Opera House #OperaHouse #sydney #australia

Tourism at its best #sydney #bondi #CrazyTourists
#BeachHats #KangarooPaws #HalfAMug #souvenirs #australia 

#quotes around #sydney 

pita chips and empanadas #PreGameSnack

First #AFL game at the #MCG #CarltonBlues #AdelaideCrows

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